Tomorrow's hydration starts today!
Here are some things that you need to consider for your comfort and for your safety.
Sun Protection:
Sunscreen is highly recommended.
Lip balm with SPF protection is also highly recommended.
Students should wear shorts. Non-cotton shorts are the most comfortable in the heat. Athletic shorts work extremely well for marching band.
Students should wear short sleeved t-shirts that are lighter in color and light-weight.
Tennis shoes are required for the marching band activity, as we will be spending a lot of time on our feet! Cross trainer/running-type shoes are best. Types of shoes like Converse or Vans offer very little arch and heel support, and are discouraged because they can cause injuries.
Sunglasses and a hat are strongly encouraged.
Students are required to bring water to every marching band rehearsal.
A water jug that holds at least a half a gallon of water is necessary. A 20 oz. bottle of water is not sufficient.
Students are required to have a PHS band water jug. This jug will be used for rehearsals and for performances so we look uniformed.
Liquids other than water are prohibited.
Students should keep in mind that we will be spending up to 3-4 hours outside during rehearsals when they make food choices.
Milk and dairy products don’t tend to sit well in a moving stomach in the heat. Breakfasts that are high in protein such as peanut butter toast or even toast with small amounts of egg are great.
Sodas and some other sugary drinks are diuretics and tend to dehydrate. While it’s okay for students to drink sodas, it’s best to supplement with water on more occasions during the fall season. The more hydrated you are while indoors, the better you will fare outdoors.
“Chips and a coke” are not an ideal lunch to get ready for afternoon rehearsals. Students should eat a good solid lunch for sustained energy during afternoon rehearsals.
Safety and the health of our students is the top priority to the band staff. Your student will get a short water break every 10 minutes when it’s hot. It’s very important for your students to hydrate themselves every water break. It’s the best way to stay healthy and in the game!
See the 2024-2025 Parent Survival Guide for more information.